The clasp is a button I bought years ago in a tin of buttons at a yard sale. I love yard sales, and can't wait to go this summer and look for beads and jewelry to deconstruct and reconstruct.
BTW, if you'd like to see my progress on my 40 x 40 goal, see my other blog (that's right, I'm so important I have two blogs!) at jen-s-journey.blogspot.com.
Another big pair or earrings.
This pic isn't too good, but I love the purple and green iridescent color of these.
I made these and another pair like them for me and my friend Shauna for Race for the Cure.
These are some of my faves, because they go with everything, and have a lot of movement.
I made these to match a bracelet I made.
My good friend Laura has introduced me to the world of beading. I think I've found my creative niche. I love to make jewelry, and so far, others seem to like my jewerly, too. In this blog, I'll post pictures and other stuff.